Why 91 day Radon tests outperform store bought tests

The Value of Comprehensive Radon Testing: Why 91-Day Puck Tests Outperform Store-Bought Kits - By BC Air Testing and Mitigation Inc.

 When it comes to ensuring the safety and health of your home, few things compare to the importance of accurate radon testing. In our dedication to helping British Columbia residents navigate the challenges of radon detection and mitigation, we at BC Air Testing and Mitigation Inc. have observed a growing trend: homeowners relying on store-bought radon tests. While the convenience and immediate results can be tempting, there's more to the story than meets the eye. In this article, we'll discuss why the 90-day puck tests, which are sent to a lab for analysis, are a superior choice.

 A Primer on Radon Testing Methods

There are essentially two broad categories of radon tests:

Short-term tests: These are typically the store-bought kits that offer results in a matter of days.

Long-term tests: The 91-day puck tests fall under this category, capturing radon levels over an extended period and then sent to a lab for detailed analysis.

The Limitations of Store-Bought Tests

Snapshot, Not a Story: Store-bought kits provide a brief snapshot of radon levels over a few days. Radon concentrations can vary daily, influenced by factors like atmospheric conditions, home ventilation, and seasonal changes. A short-term test might miss peaks in radon levels, leading to a potentially false sense of security.

Accuracy Concerns: Store-bought kits often lack the precision of professional-grade testing equipment. Any minor error in following the instructions or environmental factors can skew the results.

Lack of Comprehensive Analysis: These kits give a rudimentary reading, missing the nuanced data analysis that labs can provide.

The Strengths of the 91-Day Puck Tests

Capturing Seasonal Variability: Radon levels can fluctuate considerably over 90 days, capturing a more accurate reflection of the radon exposure residents might face throughout the year.

Lab Analysis Precision: The pucks are sent to specialized labs with advanced equipment designed for radon detection. The accuracy and reliability of these lab results far surpass those of a DIY store-bought kit.

Professional Interpretation: Once the analysis is complete, experts interpret the data, providing homeowners with clear insights and actionable steps if mitigation is required.

 Regulatory Alignment: The 91-day test duration aligns more closely with the recommendations of many health and safety organizations, including Health Canada, which suggests long-term testing for a better assessment of radon exposure.

 Making an Informed Choice

While store-bought kits might serve as a preliminary step or a quick check, relying solely on them for gauging your home's safety can be a gamble. As a responsible homeowner, it's crucial to understand the nature of radon and the importance of accurate testing.


At BC Air Testing and Mitigation Inc., our primary goal is to provide British Columbia residents with reliable information and top-notch mitigation solutions. When it comes to radon, the old adage stands true: it's better to be safe than sorry. By opting for comprehensive 91-day puck tests, you're investing in the health and safety of your household for years to come.


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